

2020-05-29 10:56:12
来源:国际船舶网 编辑: 国际船舶网 我有话要说

2020年5 月27日,北方某修造船基地,几台超高压水除锈机器人在坞内一艘锈迹斑斑的集装箱船上“飞檐走壁”。机器人所过之处,钢板崭新如初,除锈废水自动回收;舱内坞底干净整洁,操作人员闲庭信步。很难想象这曾是修船厂最耗人工、效率最低、污染最大的维修项目。而汇舸集团在海洋环保产业的强势介入和强力推进迅速改变了这一局面。


汇舸集团是国家节能环保战略规划的践行者,依托自身在修造船行业广大的客户群及良好的企业形象,以其雄厚的技术研发实力,积极布局绿色修船产业。在超高压水除锈机器人的研发和推广上,与美国 DYNAMIC INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS在新加坡合作成立了DISCON 公司,并迅速推出两款成熟的超高压水除锈机器人产品:“大黄蜂”系列、“螳螂”系列。


近日,在北方某修造船基地大显身手的正是 DISCON 公司推出的 Enviro-Guard 第二代“螳螂”产品搭载舟山源科环保工程有限公司的超高压水泵,二者强强联合,完美合作,在国内修船行业刮起一股“绿色”风暴。


DISCON公司研发的产品除“大黄蜂”、“螳螂”系列以外,还可根据客户需求进行定制化研发及生产,并可以实现一人多机同屏操作。DISCON 公司的产品相比目前市场上的高压水泵加高空液压车组合具有安全、便捷、高效的特点,除锈废水可即时回收与处理,并可有效处理深舱、高空、密闭舱室等传统方法无法到达的作业环境。真正贴合修造船厂的实际需求,助力企业绿色发展,践行国家环保理念!

◆ 产品介绍:

DISCON公司的Enviro-Guard超高压水除锈机器人,使用旋转高压水流进行船体表面涂层的去除。同时,用抽真空系统对产生的废水及废物进行回收,保证了船坞和环境的清洁。DISCON 的超高压水除锈机器人拥有多项先进技术:它使用了拥有专利权的 AIR GAP 技术,通过这项技术,可以保证除锈机器人在磁性金属表面上自由行走并且不会损伤处理表面;它的 WJ2 全喷技术,可以使被处理表面达到 Near-White Metal 的清除效果(NACE 标准);它还可以使用 UltraSweep 技术,对金属表面进行选择性的清除。通过这些先进的技术,可以达到被处理表面清洁无残留物、工作环境安全安静、生产效率高、人员需求少,同时使邻近区域的同步作业成为可能。

DISCON“大黄蜂”系列产品,具有轻便灵活、遥控操作、反应敏捷、体积小巧、吸附可靠、性价比高的特点。虽然尺寸仅为102*150*79cm,质量仅为100kg,但磁吸力可达 80Mpa。同时,“大黄蜂“应用了4 轮驱动与智能打滑转向技术,拥有专有的 25 厘米喷射棒,能够在更狭小的空间以及任何方向上操作。它的行走速度可以根据工作实际情况进行设定。根据涂层厚度和超高压泵的能力,除锈速度可以达到 20-30 m²/h。

DISCON“螳螂”系列产品是“大黄蜂”系列的高功率版本,除锈效率更高,速度更快。普通模式除锈速度达到 90 m²/h,UltraSweep 模式下除锈速度高达 185 m²/h。

◆ 合作伙伴介绍

舟山源科环保工程有限公司是全球第三家、国内第一家在船舶行业服务(以能为邮轮做全面清洁除锈工程施工为标准)的超高压水射流工程公司。公司依托上海海事大学的航运及邮轮专业,从 2016 年开始进入船舶行业的超高压水涂装领域,主要业务为船舶除漆除锈、环保工程、船舶修造、船舶机械设备销售及租赁等。





邮箱: sales@contiocean.com.cn;

电话:(+86) 21-50310066

手机:(+86) 158 2151 9672


Ultra-high pressure water derusting robot of ContiOcean

Group has been put into large-scale application

On May 27, 2020, A ship repairing and construction base in the north, several ultra-high pressure water derusting robots were working on a rusty containership in the dock. Where the robot passes, the steel plate is brand-new, and the rust removal waste water is recycled automatically; the dock bottom in the cabin is clean and tidy, and the operators work like in idle court. It's hard to imagine that this was once the most labor-intensive, least efficient and most polluting maintenance project in the shipyard. The strong involvement and strong promotion of ContiOcean Group in the marine environmental protection industry have changed this situation rapidly.

ContiOcean Group is a practitioner of the national energy conservation and environmental protection strategic planning, relying on its vast customer base and good corporate image in the shipbuilding industry, with its strong technical R & D strength, actively layout the green shipbuilding industry. In the R & D and promotion of UHP water derusting robot, DISCON was established in Singapore in cooperation with American dynamic innovative solutions and ContiOcean Group, and two mature UHP water derusting robot products were rapidly launched: "Bumblebee" series, "Mantis" series.

Recently, the second generation of Enviro guard "Mantis" product launched by DISCON is carrying the ultra-high pressure water pump of Zhoushan Yuanke Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd. in a ship repairing and construction base in the north. The two companies are strong in combination and perfect cooperation, which has caused a "green" storm in the domestic ship repair industry.

In addition to the "Bumblebee" and "Mantis" series, the products developed by DISCON can also be customized for R & D and production according to customers' needs, and multiple machines can be operated by one person and the same screen. DISCON's products are safe, convenient and efficient compared with the combination of high-pressure water pump and high-altitude hydraulic vehicle on the market at present. The derusting wastewater can be recycled and treated immediately, and it can effectively deal with the operation environment that cannot be reached by traditional methods such as deep tank, high-altitude and airtight tank. Truly meet the actual needs of the shipyard, help the enterprise to develop green, and practice the national environmental protection concept!

◆ Product introduction:

DISCON's enviro-guard ultra-high pressure water rust removal robot uses rotating high-pressure water flow to remove the hull surface coating. At the same time, the waste water and waste produced are recycled by vacuum pumping system to ensure the cleanness of dock and environment. DISCON's ultra-high pressure water derusting robot has a number of advanced technologies: it uses the patented air gap technology, which can ensure that the derusting robot can walk freely on the magnetic metal surface without damaging the treated surface; its WJ2 full spray technology can make the treated surface reach near white Metal removal effect (NACE standard); it can also use ultra sweep technology to selectively remove metal surface. Through these advanced technologies, the treated surface can be clean and free of residue, the working environment is safe and quiet, the production efficiency is high, and the personnel demand is small. At the same time, the simultaneous operation of adjacent areas can be possible.

DISCON’s "Bumblebee" series products are characterized by light and flexible, remote control operation, quick response, small size, reliable adsorption and high cost performance. Although the size is only 102 * 150 * 79cm and the mass is only 100kg, the magnetic attraction can reach 80MPa. At the same time, "Bumblebee" applies 4-wheel drive and intelligent slip steering technology, with a proprietary 25 cm spray bar, which can operate in a narrower space and in any direction. Its walking speed can be set according to the actual working situation. According to the coating thickness and the capacity of the ultra-high pressure pump, the rust removal speed can reach 20-30 m2 / h.

DISCON’s "Mantis" series products are the high-power version of "Bumblebee" series, with higher efficiency and faster speed of rust removal. The derusting speed in normal mode is up to 90 m2 / h, and that in ultra sweep mode is up to 185 m2 / h.

◆ Introduction to partners

Zhou Shan Yuan Ke Environmental Engineering CO.,LTD is the third one in the world and the first one in China to serve in the ship industry (based on the standard of being able to do a comprehensive cleaning and derusting engineering construction for cruise ships). Relying on the shipping and cruise specialty of Shanghai Maritime University, the company has entered the field of ultra-high pressure water coating in the ship industry since 2016, mainly engaged in ship paint removal and rust removal, environmental protection engineering, ship repair and construction, ship machinery and equipment sales and leasing, etc.

The company has more than 60 sets of 3000 kg ultra-high pressure pumps and the world's top ultra-high pressure water automation robot. The ultra-high pressure water jet technology + high-end robot products are used to directly solve the problem of air pollution (dust), improve the work efficiency of unit personnel, reduce the occurrence of occupational diseases, improve the overall production safety, and improve the engineering efficiency and process quality.

The company's business covers many kinds of military industry, cruise ship, merchant ship, etc. to solve the environmental protection and efficiency problems in ship repair, provide shipyard and shipowner with a package of environmental protection coating solutions, and is the pioneer of ultra-high pressure water construction in China's shipbuilding industry. The main customers are Zhoushan COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., China Resources Dadong Shipping Engineering Co., Ltd., Zhoushan Nanyang star Shipping Co., Ltd., etc.


Contacts:Mr. Zhao

E-mail: sales@contiocean.com.cn;

TEL: (+86) 21-50310066

Mob: (+86) 158 2151 9672




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