凭借先进的工程设计,这款紧凑型发电机组非常适用于液化天然气 (LNG)货运应用设施,如液化天然气船(LNGC)、 浮式储存及再气化装置(FSRU) 和浮式液化天然气储卸装置(FLNG)。该设计易于定制和集成到船上。高功率密度可节省资本支出和运营支出:仅需三台 MAN 35/44DF CD 发电机组(3 x 8 缸,560 kW每缸)就能完成四台发电机组(例如 2x6 + 2x8 汽缸,480 kW每缸)的工作量。新型 MAN 35/44DF CD 还能帮助您实现脱碳:其符合 Tier III 标准,最高可减少 85% 甲烷逃逸,甚至是甲醇燃料就绪的。其新型发动机控制系统可确保长期的网络安全和连接标准。
The new genset looks to the future with zero compromises
With its state-of-the-art engineering, this compact genset is perfect for liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo applications like liquefied natural gas carriers (LNGC), floating storage regasification units (FSRU), and floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facilities. The design is easy to customize and integrate onboard. High power density brings you CAPEX and OPEX savings: Just three MAN 35/44DF CD GenSets (3x8 cylinders at 560 kW) can do the work of four gensets (e.g. 2x6 + 2x8 cylinders at 480 kW). The new MAN 35/44DF CD also helps you decarbonize: It is Tier III compliant, reduces methane slip by up to 85% and is even ready for methanol operation. Its new engine control system ensures long-term cyber security and connectivity standards.